is excited to host a Youth Retreat atop beautiful Risk Canyon in Bellvue, Colorado!! “O taste and see that the Lord is good; how blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!” Psalm 34:8 This is an opportunity for Youth age 18, or turning 18 in the month of Sept and older to come together, along with our church families, to experience GOD, and to know Christ and the power of His resurrection. Sharing together in prayer, teaching, music, activities, hikes, and taking time to enjoy the beauty all around us. If you are NOT 18 years of age, and would like to attend, please still register and we will place you on a waiting list. This event is scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 11th Check In: 2:00pm through Sunday, Sept 15th Check Out: 10:30am. Tuition is: $300 per student. Redeemed Church is not taking a profit for this event. This includes 4 nights and 11 meals. Redeemed Church will be happy to host you on Tuesday night and Sunday night. Transportation will be provided for those of you flying into Denver International Airport.
Registration is now closed
(limited space available)

Reece Gliko
Phil Lapp
Anthony Stoltzfus
Josh Chandra